A Sharing Session with CCDC Founder/Artistic Director, Willy Tsao 城市当代舞蹈团创办人兼艺术总监曹诚渊分享座谈会

A Sharing Session with CCDC 城市當代舞蹈團 Founder/Artistic Director, Willy Tsao. He will share his experience with everyone.

CCDC 城市當代舞蹈團创办人兼艺术总监曹诚渊分享座谈会,与大家分享他的经验
Date日期: 09-09-2018 (Sunday星期日)
Time时间: 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Venue地点: Istana Budaya 国家剧院
Enquiry Hotline 询问热线: 018 - 207 1005 (Dua Space)
Admission报名费: FREE 免费入场
Online Register 网上报名: https://goo.gl/forms/RdBpTTnDM2RblyUk1
*Registration is required due to limited place 名额有限,需报名入场


CCDC Founder/Artistic Director
Willy Tsao

Willy Tsao also known as the “Father of Modern Dance of China” is an influential figure in China’s contemporary dance development as a choreographer, educator, curator, manager and director. Tsao is the founder and artistic director of the first and only professional contemporary dance company CCDC in Hong Kong in 1979 and China’s first independent professional contemporary dance company, Beijing Dance/LDTX in 2005. Tsao received his contemporary dance training in the US and an MBA degree from the University of Hong Kong. He was named an Honorary Fellow by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2000 and received an Honorary Doctorate in 2015. Tsao also established two contemporary dance exchange platforms, Guangdong Modern Dance Festival and Beijing Dance Festival. Since the 1980s, Tsao has created more than 60 works for the dance stage and was awarded with numerous honorary awards. His choreography has been staged in Canada, France, Germany, Israel, Japan, Korea, United States as well as Beijing, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Taipei.


誉有“中国现代舞之父”的曹诚渊是一位编舞家、教育家、艺术策划人及文化企业家,在中国的现代舞领域具有相当影响力。曹诚渊一直致力于推动中国现代舞的发展:在香港,他于 1979 年创办了香港第一个专业当代舞团——城市当代舞蹈团,并从 1989 年开始担任该团艺术总监至今。他出生及成长于香港,其后在美国接受现代舞训练。2005 年, 曹诚渊创建中国内地第一个民营专业舞团——北京雷动天下现代舞团,担任该团艺术总监至今。曹氏为香港大学工商管理硕士,2000 年成为香港演艺学院荣誉院士,2015 年获香港演艺学院颁授荣誉博士。曹诚渊不仅致力于中国现代舞团体的创建与发展,更创办了两个现代舞交流平台——「广东现代舞週」和「北京舞蹈双週」。由 1980 年至今,他创作了六十多部风格迥异的作品,对舞蹈的贡献备受讚誉,历年获奖无数。其作品多次在加拿大、法国、德国、以色列、日本、韩国、美 国以及北京、广州、上海和台北的大型艺术节上演。
