Every ticket counts!

Every ticket counts!!! 💪🏻
每一票都是对我们最有力的支持!!! 💪🏻

Your ticket purchase will contribute to all front and back stage productions, such as: sound and lighting, publicity material, costume and props, permits and documents, design and operations, transportation, crew and etc. 你的付出都呈献在演出的台前幕后,涵盖:灯光音响、宣传品特刊、服装道具布景、娱乐准证与申请、灯光音响设计与操作、交通运输、工作人员等等等。

Let's support us to our next 20 years of dance journey by calling out ticketing hotline: 018-207 1005! We'll be seeing you at Istana Budaya this coming 8 Sep, 8:30pm and 9 Sep, 3pm! 支持我们下一个20年的舞蹈旅程,速速联系我们的购票热线: 018-207 1005!我们下周末在国家剧院等你来哦!😊

Sincerely thanks for who had supported Dua Space 衷心感谢已经支持共享的朋友 😘
